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Stanton-under-Bardon Parish Council

Parish Councillors

The main role of a Parish Councillor is to represent the views of residents living in the Parish. They do this by undertaking the following roles:

  1. Decision Making

By attending Parish Council meetings they decide what local projects to undertake, where money should be spent and what services should be delivered. By having local knowledge of the Parosh they play a vital role in speaking and acting on behalf of the communities they represent.

  1. Monitoring 

Councillors make sure that their decisions lead to efficient and effective services by keeping an eye on how well things are working.

  1. Getting involved locally

Councillors may represent the Council externally through other organisations,  including going to meetings of local groups or organisations affecting the wider community, taking up issues on behalf of members of the public or acting as a signpost for other Council Services.


Interested in becoming a Parish Councillor?

Parish Councillors volunteer their time freely to work on behalf of local residents. By becoming a parish councillor you can become a voice for your community, somebody who residents will look to for help, guidance and support. You will be involved in local decision making and strategic planning for the benefit of the people you serve. Seeing your community change for the better, as a result of decisions you have helped make, is something that can give you a sense of achievement and pride.


What are the roles and responsibilities involved?

There are 5 Parish Councillors for Stanton under Bardon Parish Council who, supported by the Parish Clerk, are elected to represent the voice of residents within the village. This will involve engaging with local residents to ensure that their views are heard, understood and addressed.

As part of the Parish Council you will have responsibility for managing local services and amenities such as the village hall, recreation ground, allotments, war memorial and street lighting, as well as making decisions regarding the finances involved in delivering local services. You will also be involved in working to protect and improve the built and natural environment of Stanton under Bardon. This may involve contributing to long term policy development or being part of the team that assesses and comments on local planning applications.


What skills will I need to be a Parish Councillor?

Council benefits from having as much diversity as possible and we would welcome interest from people of different ages, backgrounds, experiences and abilities. Good communication skills, problem solving, analytical thinking and being a team player are all great skills to have, but you will be supported in developing your role as a new Councillor.


How much time does being a councillor take?

As with anything, what you get out of being a Parish Councillor will depend on what you are able to put in. How much time you are able to commit is largely down to the individual and what level of involvement you are hoping for. As a minimum, you would be expected to attend the monthly Parish Council meetings held one evening per month.


Interested in getting involved?

The best way to discover if being a Parish Councillor is right for you is to attend one of our meetings and to meet the Council. Alternatively feel free to contact any of the Parish Councillors or the Clerk and have a chat with us. To register an interest in joining the council, please contact us using the Contact Form

For more information about the role of a Parish Councillor, the National Association of Local Councils publish useful guides to new Councillors which can be viewed below

The Good Councillor Guide

The Good Councillor Guide to Finance and Transparency - Updated January 2025

Powers & Duties of Parish Councils

It Takes All Sorts
