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Stanton-under-Bardon Parish Council

What is a Parish Council?

A Parish Council is a local government body that represents and serves a specific parish within a larger district or county. As the lowest tier of local government, it plays a crucial role in addressing local issues, managing community projects, and ensuring the needs and interests of residents are met. Parish Councils provide a voice for the community, influencing decisions on a wide range of local matters and working to enhance the well-being of the area.

Parish Councils are responsible for a variety of functions, including the maintenance of public spaces, managing community assets such as village halls and recreational areas, and organising events that foster a sense of community. They also provide a forum where residents can raise concerns and suggestions, ensuring local voices are heard in the decision-making process.

Councillors are elected by the local community and work collectively to promote development and improve services within the parish. Decisions are made democratically at Parish Council meetings, which in Stanton under Bardon take place in the rear meeting room of the Village Hall at 7:00 pm on the first Wednesday of each month. These meetings are open to the public, encouraging transparency and community engagement.

The Parish Council collaborates with key agencies such as Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council and Leicestershire County Council on issues like planning, highways, traffic, community safety, housing, and street lighting. Additionally, it plays a role in managing local amenities such as allotments, playing fields, war memorials, seating, shelters, and public rights of way. Beyond working with local authorities, the Council partners with organisations including The National Forest, the Environment Agency, Bardon Hill Quarry, and Severn Trent Water to support environmental and infrastructure projects that benefit the Parish.

Through these responsibilities and partnerships, the Parish Council works to maintain and enhance the local area, ensuring it remains a thriving and welcoming place for residents and visitors alike.

Role of the Chairman

The Chairman of the Parish Council is an elected councillor chosen by fellow members to serve a one-year term. Their primary role is to provide leadership and ensure that Council meetings are conducted efficiently, fairly, and in accordance with legal procedures. As the presiding officer, the Chairman is responsible for maintaining order during meetings, facilitating discussions, and ensuring all councillors have the opportunity to express their views before decisions are made.

In addition to chairing meetings, the Chairman may represent the Council at local events, acting as a figurehead for the community. One of their key responsibilities is casting a deciding vote in the event of a tie on any matter requiring a Council decision. However, beyond these formal duties, the Chairman has no additional authority and cannot act independently on behalf of the Council. All decisions must be made collectively by the Council as a whole.

The role of the Chairman is crucial in fostering collaboration among councillors, ensuring transparency in decision-making, and upholding the democratic process within the Parish Council.


Role of the Parish Clerk

The Parish Clerk is the principal executive officer of the Parish Council and is employed under Section 112(1) of the Local Government Act 1972. Their role is to provide administrative support, ensure the Council operates lawfully and efficiently, and offer independent, professional advice to guide Council decisions.

Key responsibilities include preparing agendas, recording accurate minutes of meetings, managing correspondence, and maintaining official documents such as financial records and policies. The Clerk is responsible for ensuring the Council complies with legal and regulatory requirements, including financial procedures, data protection, and governance standards. They oversee the implementation of Council decisions, coordinate projects, and support councillors in fulfilling their duties.

Additionally, the Clerk acts as the primary point of contact between the Council and the community, liaising with local authorities, residents, and other organisations. They help facilitate community engagement, manage communications, and ensure transparency in local government matters. The Parish Clerk plays a crucial role in the smooth running of the Council, enabling it to effectively serve the needs of the parish.

