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Stanton-under-Bardon Parish Council


Added on 11 August 2020

Stanton under Bardon Parish Council




The Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA) is now finally finished. The Council is reviewing the use of the tennis nets.  Please report any abuse or misuse of the MUGA you may witness to the Acting Parish Clerk at  .

Please Note:  It is not possible to reserve time slots on the MUGA. The Parish Council expects users to respect each other’s requirements and to use their common sense regarding the time taken for their sessions.  During these Covid-19 times, please use hand sanitiser before and after using equipment, exercise social distancing and wash hands upon returning home.



Following a request from a group of young people, the Parish Council is investigating the possibility of installing a small BMX Pump Track on the recreation ground. The construction of the track would incorporate the waste material dug out to accommodate the MUGA.

Over the last few weeks there has been some minor damage to the village hall.  This has resulted in a new window and lights having to be fitted.  The Parish Council hopes that the damage was not deliberate vandalism but, nevertheless, the results have caused additional expense, which will have to come from the money raised by Council Tax - in other words YOU.  On reviewing the CCTV it is apparent that a number of children are cycling around the hall (at speed) and also adults and children are using the car park for football practice.  We would remind all residents that the car park is not a play area and, as the car park is leased, anyone using it is technically trespassing.  The Parish Council asks that all parents ensure that their children do not use the car park for play.


During the lockdown period, nearly everyone has had a chance to clear out surplus goods from their homes.  However, it is apparent that some people think it is ok to dump this in the nearest farm gateway or public footpath.  If you have had something like a new TV or need to rid yourself of children’s toys etc please do not dump the packaging or the toys (all of which were dumped at Billa Barra Lane recently).  Make arrangements to take your waste to the tip at Coalville.  We have a lovely area in which to live and we want to keep it that way. 


The March edition of ‘The Herald’ carried news of the arrangements we had put in hand for the parishioners of Bagworth, Thornton and Stanton-under-Bardon to have the opportunity to inspect our draft Neighbourhood Plan and to comment on it if they so wished. The rapid onset of Covid-19 enforced the cancellation of these arrangements. The Government has issued temporary orders relating to the administration and progress of Neighbourhood Plans which are at the same, or similar, stage as ours; these orders prevent any effective progress being made before May 2021.  The BT&SuB NP Steering Group is, however, seeking to identify ways in which our parishioners might be given the opportunity to inspect the draft Plan, within Government guidelines, and to comment accordingly. If our efforts prove to be successful, we will contact all properties within the two Parishes via a mailshot through your letterbox. The leaflet you receive will give you all the information about how you can participate in the public consultation without breaking any of the Government’s rules relating to Covid-19 precautions. This information will also be displayed on the Parish Councils’ noticeboards and on Facebook. Meanwhile, for those of our parishioners who are internet connected, the draft plan can be inspected on our websites:


The Parish Council is looking for a person to undertake this rewarding position.  It involves agenda and minute taking, advising Councillors on procedures and ensuring that it adheres to legal requirements.  If you feel you have the correct skill-set, further information is available on the Council’s website.


Finally, Parish Council meetings are being held online.  If you wish to have details of how to listen in/view, please contact the Clerk for further information or, once again, go to the Council’s website.