Community resilience – Help with Winter Weather
Added at 10:35 on 25 January 2024
Throughout the year, the Local Resilience Forum plan how they respond to emergency situations to assist the Emergency Services with their response. During an incident, the Emergency Services will prioritise situations where there are immediate threats to life.
There is a lot you can do to prepare for potential emergencies during the winter. The likelihood of a severe weather-related emergencies is obviously greater in the winter months. The following is a list of things you could do before any potential emergency.
• Check if you live in a flood risk area. This gives the risk of flooding from rivers and surface water due to heavy rain. https://www.gov.uk/check-long-term-flood-risk
• Signing up for flood warnings will keep you better informed of the risks in your area. https://www.gov.uk/sign-up-for-flood-warnings
• Flood Wardens – Our Flood Wardens are a great asset to their communities as they are able to give advice and information and report any concerns. Do you have a Flood Warden in your area? Do you know how to get in touch with them? Are you interested in becoming a Flood Warden yourself? If you have any queries in relation to this, contact us via email communityengagement@leics.gov.uk
• Occasionally, residents do have to evacuate their homes if the impact is significant. You could plan in advance for what you might need to take with you if you do need to leave your home. This is the link to the LLR Prepared website to give you some ideas of what you may need: https://www.llrprepared.org.uk/prepared-residents/grab-bag/