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Stanton-under-Bardon Parish Council

Cost of Living - Resident Workshops

Added at 09:47 on 01 November 2023

Residents concerned about the national rising costs of living are being invited to explore the help and support available to them.  Two cost of living and wellbeing events are taking place on Saturday November 4th, 10am-12pm at Barlestone Community Centre and on Saturday November 18th from 10am-12pm at the George Ward Centre in Barwell.

Organised by Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council, the events will give anyone who is concerned about the cost of living the opportunity to speak with council staff and other organisations about individual issues and concerns including household budgeting, benefits, housing, managing energy bills and fuel bills, managing debt and food support. People attending will be able to speak to staff from a wide range of agencies.

No appointment is needed to attend, and the event is open to all residents across the borough and refreshments will be provided.

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